
The new town

From small delicatessen shops and speciality stores to luxury watch and jewellery shops, you will find a wide range of options for your shopping trip in Biel. The pedestrian zones in Nidaugasse and Bahnhofstrasse and the adjacent streets form the beating heart of the town.

Bieler Zentralplatz

Shopping tips

Shopping | Kleidung mit einzigartigen, koreanischen und modernen Designs für Babys & Kinder.

Shopping | The Body Shop, the activist beauty company.

Shopping | Atelier Verdan in the heart of Biel.

Shopping | BAYARD CO LTD stands for competent and personal advice, a unique shopping experience and a diverse selection of the best fashion brands.

Shopping | BAYARD CO LTD stands for competent and personal advice, a unique shopping experience and a diverse selection of the best fashion brands.

Shopping | The friendly optician round the corner.

Shopping | The Gerry Weber Store in Biel is part of the Mode Bayard Group.

Shopping | Since 1858, Bureaurama has served as a one-stop shop for everything to do with the office, from stationary to partitions and office furniture.

Shopping | Metro Boutique: fashion for everyone.

Shopping | Bijou les Boutiques stands for exquisite items from all over the world, friendly advice and great attention to detail.

Atelier Verdan in the heart of Biel.

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Atelier Verdan

Biel’s largest bilingual bookshop.

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Lüthy+Stocker Buchhandlung

Spörri opticians takes the time to find the right solution for the best possible vision and a fresh look.

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Spörri Optik

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Nidaugasse, Biel/Bienne